Baltic Eagle offshore wind farm fuels Holcim's green ambition

By: Chloe Emanuel

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24/05/2023 Iberdrola

Iberdrola and Holcim have signed a new clean energy power purchase agreement (PPA) in Germany, as well as agreeing to work together on a wide range of further new sustainability initiatives.

The newly agreed PPA will see Iberdrola provide Holcim with 250 GWh of renewable energy per year from its Baltic Eagle offshore wind farm in Germany. The clean energy will help to accelerate Holcim’s net-zero journey in Germany, where it aims to expand the use of renewable energy in its operations to over 80% by 2030.

The Baltic Eagle offshore windfarm is currently under construction in the Baltic Sea, north of the island of Rügen, and will have a total capacity of 476 MW when completed in 2024.

As part of a wider agreement, the two companies have established a working group to analyse the potential of delivering a broad range of further sustainability linked projects in Europe and potentially other continents. The proposals being developed include potential additional PPAs to decarbonise operations. Both companies aspire to deploy 100% emissions free green cement to help construct renewable energy projects around the world.

Aitor Moso, Director of Iberdrola's Retail Business, said: “Iberdrola is proud to work with Holcim and support their drive to be at the very forefront of sustainability in buildings solutions. Our agreement will see clean energy from offshore wind supporting Holcim operations immediately, and both companies want to expand our sustainable partnership much further in the weeks, months, and years ahead."

In recent months, Iberdrola has established several long term cross section alliances to promote the decarbonization of the economy.

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4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037