China approves over 13GW

By: Tom Russell

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10/01/2019 4C Offshore
In December 2018 the Chinese government approved construction consent for over 13GW of offshore wind power. Multiple announcements were issued, paving the way for developers to start the realisation of a total of 12 projects with a combined capacity of 13.1GW.

The first announcement was made on the 4th December and saw China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN) secure consent for two projects totalling 3.6GW. The projects were the 600MW  
Shanwei Jiazi III and 3000MW  Shanwei Jieshi wind farms. Both projects are located off the coast of Shanwei in the province of Guangdong, located 29km and 50km off the coast respectively.

This was followed by confirmation that Shanghai electric had received approval for 9.5GW of offshore wind projects, over double the current installed capacity in Chinese waters. The ten projects are expected to spur investments of around 105.1 billion yuan (£12bn or €13.38bn). The projects are all located off the Shatou coastline, also in the province of Guangdong.

In January 2019, more approvals have been announced and this includes three projects being developed by State Power Investment Corporation Limited. As
reported last week the three projects, Binhai South H3, Rudong H4 and Rudong H7, have combined capacity of 1100MW and construction could kick off as early as this year.

These approvals bring China's consented pipeline to over 10GW with around 4GW in construction. China is well on its way to becoming the largest offshore wind market globally. It is currently sitting in third position in regards to installed capacity however is rapidly catching up on Europe and is expected to surpass the UK and Germany, with over 70GW set to be underway or installed by 2027.

Updates and developments on China are to be featured in 4C Offshore's upcoming market overview report. The report provides easily digestible yet detailed insight into strategic aspects of the offshore wind market; policy developments, offshore wind tender progress, emerging opportunities, market shares and project pipelines globally.

Furthermore, 4C Offshore offers a timeline of projects in development and construction across the globe with information on specific projects such as stakeholders, milestones, technical information and vessel activity.

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell