DEME Group chooses Thyboron as foundation base for nearshore projects

By: Tom Russell

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15/02/2023 DEME Group

DEME Group and the Port of Thyboron have signed a contract regarding the installation of foundations for Vattenfall’s  
Vesterhav Syd & Nord nearshore wind farms.

The foundations that DEME will be installing include the large steel structures of 41 monopiles and transition pieces. The 77 metre long monopiles, each weighing around 622 tons, will be produced by EEW in Rostock, Germany. The associated transition pieces between the monopiles and the turbines will be produced in Aalborg by Bladt Industries A/S. Each TP will be 22.5 metres high and weigh 275 tons.

The foundations will be shipped in sets to the Port of Thyboron on barges during spring. DEME’s large installation vessel, Innovation – which is 147.5 metres long and 42 metres wide – will regularly sail into the Port of Thyboron to load foundations, and then out to the offshore wind farms in the North Sea to install them.

DEME’s project manager, Jan Van de Velde, said: “There are clear advantages in the fact that we can work undisturbed at the quay in Thyboron throughout the installation project, and without disturbing others as we work at the port.”

This is the first time such a large offshore wind farm installation project will be serviced from the Port of Thyboron.

The cooperation with DEME during this project has given the Port of Thyboron a valuable foundation for expansion that supports the sector. This has resulted in the establishment of a new 11 metre deep channel from the North Sea all the way to the offshore project quay facilities at the port.  

The Port of Thyboron currently offers 300,000 m2 of quayside land for storing primary components, a quay with a load bearing capacity of up to 23 tons per square metre, and now also a channel up to 11 metres deep from the North Sea to the project quay facilities in Sydhavnen. According to the port company, its location as a natural harbour inside the Liim Fiord offers potential for greater capacity in the form of port expansions that add more quayside land and quays in the long term.

“As a port, we have found DEME to be a very professional and serious partner who has helped push us the last mile. In all modesty, we have also shown that a port like Thyboron can deliver the conditions we have promised. We are proud of this,”
said Director Jesper Holt Jensen from the Port of Thyboron. “When Innovation arrives probable on 18 February to pick up the first 4 foundations for Vesterhav Nord and Syd, it will be a day of celebration at the Port of Thyboron.”

Vesterhav Syd & Nord projects will be located 10 km off the West coast of Jutland near Thyborøn (Nord) and Søndervig (Syd) in water depths of approximately 20 metres. Vesterhav Nord will have a capacity of 176.4 MW and will consist of 21 SG 8.0-167 DD turbines, each with a rated power of 8.4 MW. Vesterhav Syd will have a capacity of 168 MW and will consist of 20 turbines. They will be supported from Vattenfall's O&M base in the port of Hvide Sande on the west coast of Denmark.

Vattenfall secured permits for the two Vesterhav wind areas in 2016 for 47.5 øre/kWh (€63.8/MWh). Combined, the projects will supply electricity equivalent to the annual consumption of 350,000 Danish households.

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4C Offshore | Tom Russell