DHI wins metocean assessment tender for Dutch wind farm zones

By: Tom Russell

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10/01/2023 TED
The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), part of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, has selected DHI to deliver a metocean assessment for proposed Dutch offshore wind farm zones (WFZs).

RVO is responsible for publishing a site characterization package for end users to prepare bids for a permit tender to build and operate a wind farm. These works consist of the detailed design metocean assessment (MA) at two WFZs. One of the WFZs is IJmuiden Ver and the second WFZ is to be determined.

The assessment includes the construction of a metocean database, and a metocean assessment (consisting of a metocean desk study and a wind resource assessment) on design level.

The contract was back in August with four tenders received. In Q4 2022, the first non public delivery was expected based upon existing data sources. In Q2 2023, a second delivery should contain around six months of measurement data from the planned floating LiDAR campaign in the Ijmuiden Ver WFZ (IJV WFZ).

A third and fourth delivery will contain 1 year and 2 years of measurement data respectively. The fifth and sixth delivery will contain a comparable series for a second to be determined WFZ.

IJmuiden Ver offshore wind farm zone is made of of for offshore wind farm sites which are expected to be tendered in Q4 2023. The four sites each have the potential to host up to 1 GW of offshore wind energy.

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell