East coast subsea electricity highway receives green light

By: Chloe Emanuel

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19/05/2023 SSEN Transmission

SSEN Transmission has achieved a milestone in its vision for a new subsea electricity superhighway along Scotland's east coast with the approval of the project's marine licence. The ambitious
Eastern Green Link 2 initiative, in partnership with National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET), aims to establish a 2 GW subsea transmission cable stretching from Peterhead, Scotland, to Drax in Yorkshire, England.

This infrastructure will enable the transportation of low carbon electricity, addressing current constraints on the transmission system. The project's significance lies not only in securing the UK's future energy supply but also in reducing reliance and vulnerability to volatile global gas markets.

Leveraging HVDC technology, renowned for its efficiency and reliability in transmitting substantial power across long subsea distances, the Eastern Green Link 2 subsea transmission link will alleviate existing constraints on the electricity network. This critical development will facilitate the growth of renewable electricity generation and pave the way for future connections, creating employment opportunities and forging a clear path towards achieving net zero emissions targets.

The marine licence approval, granted by Marine Scotland, pertains to the 150 kilometre section of cable situated within Scottish waters, jointly developed by SSEN Transmission and NGET. This license grants permission for infrastructure installation within a designated 500 metre wide corridor of the seabed, extending from the proposed landfall point in Peterhead to the Scottish - English maritime border.

Prior to submitting the marine licence application, surveys were conducted in 2021 by the SSEN Transmission and NGET project teams. These surveys informed a meticulous environmental appraisal and technical assessment, ensuring minimal impact on the environment along the proposed cable route. The project's initial proposals were carefully designed to avoid particularly sensitive national protected areas.

Collaboration with key stakeholders, including major ScotWind Developers, played a vital role in finding mutually beneficial ways to coexist and advance the development of this essential national infrastructure, which will play a pivotal role in attaining net-zero targets.

Ricky Saez, EGL2 Project Director, expressed the following statements: “We’re delighted to have been granted a marine licence for the Scottish section of Eastern Green Link2, which marks a major milestone for the project. Getting to this point wouldn’t have been possible without invaluable support from consultants who have provided expert environmental, technical and specialist advice, and securing our marine licence is testament to the years of work - between the respective Transmission Operators, a first joint development of its kind that has had SSEN Transmission involvement - which has gone into developing the project so far.

"We believe our marine licence submission achieved the best possible balance between environmental considerations and the need for the project, and our plans ensure that we’re doing everything we can to limit our impact on the surrounding sensitivities in the subsea environment. We’re now looking forward to working with the supply chain to conclude our tender event, and secure equipment capacity, before progressing our project assessment to determination with Ofgem later this year.”  

The joint venture between SSEN Transmission and National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) is set to commence licensed activities in 2025, with an energization target of 2029. The forward momentum of this revolutionary project heralds a new era in sustainable energy transmission, unlocking the full potential of renewable resources and solidifying the UK's position as a leader in the global energy transition.

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037 Chloe.Emanuel@4coffshore.net