Floating offshore wind Bill introduced in Oregon

By: Tom Russell

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The Oregon House of Representatives has received a Bill (HB 3375), sponsored by Republican David Brock Smith, which looks to establish 3 GW of commercial scale floating offshore wind energy projects within federal waters off the Oregon Coast by 2030.

The Bill also looks to establish a Task Force on floating offshore wind energy to develop floating offshore wind development strategic plan and to submit plan to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to energy no later than September 15, 2022.

The task force would examine the potential for floating offshore wind energy development in federal waters off the Oregon coast and evaluate actions necessary to promote development of floating offshore wind energy. It would also be responsible for recommending a comprehensive and efficient state and federal permitting timeline for development of floating offshore wind energy projects in federal waters off the Oregon coast that includes a coordinated, timely state permitting process.

According to the Bill. floating offshore wind energy development presents an opportunity to attract investment capital and to realise community economic development and workforce development benefits in Oregon, such as long-term job creation and the development of a floating offshore wind energy supply chain.

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4C Offshore | Tom Russell