Floating offshore wind mooring system project reaches conclusion

By: Tom Russell

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The PREDICARG project - backed by a consortium led by DEGIMA with Saitec, the CTC Technological Centre, the Environmental Hydraulic Institute (IH Cantabria) and Enerocean - has reached the end of its execution.

According to the consortium, the new anchoring system load prediction system allows uninterrupted and reliable information to be obtained to calculate the effectiveness of the anchoring systems of floating offshore platforms. The project is aimed at deepening understanding of the dynamics of these systems and reducing the failure rate as much as possible in hostile offshore environments.

For the execution of the project, the PREDICARG system has been modelled and tested on various types of platforms, among which is the Saitec SATH wind platform, which presents an innovative anchoring system. The single point mooring (SPM) is designed to allow the platform to align with the direction of the wind as if it were a weather vane.

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell