France set debate dates for Mediterranean floating wind

By: Bridget Randall-Smith

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17/05/2021 4COffshore
 This Summer France will put forward 1.4 GW of floating offshore wind areas for public debate ahead of the first tenders expected next year.

The French National Commission for Public Debate (CNDP) are holding a  debate concerning the location and tender of for two 250 MW floating wind farms and transmission systems in the Mediterranean Sea. The debate will also include later extensions of 500MW for each project (bringing the installed power of each park to 750MW maximum).

The projects will be located  between the Gulf of Léon to the west, and the coast of the port of Fos-sur-Mer to the east. Four macro-zones have been identified based on the Mediterranean frontage strategic document (DSF):
- within the perimeter of the natural marine park of the Gulf of Lion, off the Pyrénées Orientales and the Aude
- au large du Cap d’Agde
- au large de la Petite Camargue
- au large du Golfe de Fos-sur-Mer.

The projects are supported by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Electricity Transport Network (RTE), which will be responsible for the shared transmission system.

The public are invited to participate in the debate from 12th July to 31st October. Two months later, the debate committee will publish a report containing all the opinions and arguments expressed. After a further three months the Ministry of Ecological Transition and RTE will indicate the follow-up given to the project, and the lessons learned from the public debate for the continuation of the project.

The first two 250 MW projects are expected to be tendered in 2022 and the later extensions from 2024. The first parks will each include about twenty floating wind turbines.

France has set the objective of doubling the share of renewable energy in electricity production to 40% by 2030 and net zero by 2050.

This story was first reported exclusively for 4C Offshore subscribers. For more information, click here
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About the Author

4C Offshore | Bridget Randall-Smith