Germany issues 1.8 GW offshore wind tender

By: Tom Russell

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27/02/2023 BNetzA
The German Federal Network Agency (Bnetza) has launched a tender for offshore wind sites following the completion of the pre-examination by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency. Bids for the four sites, N-3.5, N-3.6, N-6.6 and N-6.7, are due in by 1 August 2023.

Taking place under the German scheme to support offshore wind energy generation in Germany (German Offshore Wind Energy Act -  'WindSeeG') the tender aims to secure a total capacity of 1800 MW across the four areas. According to the 2023 area development plan, this is planned to be completed by 2028. 

During the pre-examination process essential information about the marine environment, the subsoil and the wind and oceanographic conditions was collected. The data will be made available to all interested parties as part of the call for applications. Successful bidders not have to carry out these investigations themselves afterwards.

The areas N-6.6 and N-6.7 are in the German EEZ of the North Sea at a distance of approx. 90 km to the nearest island of Borkum . Area N-6.6 has an area of ​​44 square kilometers and an installed capacity of 630 MW . The area N-6.7 covers 16 square kilometers with an installed capacity of 270 MW . 

Areas N-3.5 and N-3.6 are also in the German North Sea EEZ . Their distance to the nearest island of Norderney is about 35 kilometers _ The area N-3.5 has a size of 29 square km ; a capacity of 420 MW to be installed was determined. The area N-3.6 is 33 square kilometers with an installed capacity of 480 MW .

The award is based on a statutory point system. Up to 60 points are awarded for the bid value, which reflects the bidder's willingness to pay. In addition, so-called qualitative criteria are also used, which are to be tested for the first time in the offshore wind sector. The proportion of electricity from renewable energy sources in the manufacture of wind turbines, the proportion of trainees, the use of particularly environmentally friendly foundation methods and the scope of long-term electricity supplies to third parties are evaluated. A total of up to 35 points are awarded for the qualitative criteria. A total of 90 percent of the payments made by the successful bidder go towards reducing electricity costs, 5 percent each towards marine conservation and the promotion of environmentally friendly fishing.

Those awarded the contract have will then apply to Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency for planning permission to develop the areas with an offshore wind farm. 

Germany has over 7.6 GW of offshore wind energy in operation, with six project with a combined capacity of 3.1 GW having received consent authorisation stage of development or already in construction. The country is currently targeting of 30 GW of offshore wind by 2030. This goal was included in the government's coalition agreement and made legally binding in the recently amended Wind Offshore Act (WindSeeG). It also included an increase of expansion targets of least 40 GW by 2035; and to at least 70 GW by 2040.  

Last month, BNetzA put four areas in the North Sea and Baltic Sea with a total output of 7,000 MW for offshore wind turbines up for tender. Three areas for offshore wind farms, each with an output of 2,000 MW , are in the North Sea and one area for an output of 1,000 MW is in the Baltic Sea

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell