Ground Breaking Milestone for Thor Substation

By: Bridget Randall-Smith

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05/05/2023 RWE
RWE has started construction on the onshore substation for its Danish offshore wind farm Thor (1 GW), located approximately 22 km off the coast of Thorsminde.

The onshore substation will be built in the municipality of Lemvig. Siemens Energy will carry out the civil engineering and construction works together with MT Højgaard Danmark, one of Denmark’s leading companies for large-scale building and infrastructure projects.

A ground breaking ceremony was held to mark the milestone with the presence of Steffen Damsgaard, Chairman of the Technology & Environment Committee of the Municipality of Lemvig, Troels Ranis, Senior Vice President of Confederation of Danish Industry, Kristian Jensen, CEO of Green Power Denmark, Peter Weinreich-Jensen, Director of Siemens Energy Denmark and Pia Lanken, CEO of RWE Renewables Denmark.

Pia Lanken, CEO of RWE Renewables Denmark: “I am very excited to be part of today’s groundbreaking ceremony, which will be a big step forward for Denmark’s green transition. We already work closely with the local community, politicians, fishermen and educational institutions. It is crucial that we are in dialogue with these stakeholders because we want to contribute to local development. This is one of the reasons why we have committed to employing at least 30 vocational trainees for this major project.”

Thor offshore wind farm is the first of three offshore wind farms decided as a part of the 2018 Energy Agreement. Once it is fully operational, which is scheduled for the end of 2027 at the latest, Thor will be able to produce enough green electricity to supply the equivalent of more than one million Danish households.

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Bridget Randall-Smith