Havfram Wind to install turbines for Ørsted

By: Chloe Emanuel

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21/03/2023 Havfram

Ørsted has appointed Havfram Wind to install turbines at its Hornsea 3 offshore windfarm, starting autumn 2026. Havfram Wind will be utilizing one of its newly built NG20000X Jack-Up Wind Turbine Installation vessels (WTIV) with a 3.250 T crane.

Hornsea 3 will consist of up to 231 offshore wind turbines, located within a 696 square KM area, approximately 120 KM off the Norfolk coast and 160 KM off the Yorkshire coast. With a capacity of 2,852 MW, Hornsea 3 is predicted to be capable of producing enough low-cost, renewable electricity to power over 3 million UK homes.

Patrick Harnett, Ørsteds Vice President for Execution Programmes commented: "Delivering an offshore wind farm of the size and scale of Hornsea 3 requires the development of strong, collaborative relationships with our contractor partners and the realisation of new supply chain capacity. We are therefore very excited to sign our first contract with Havfram, bringing a new cutting-edge vessel to the offshore wind market and taking the positive working relationship we have created during the procurement phase into execution. We now look forward to working together even more closely, sharing our combined knowledge and expertise to ensure the safe and high-quality delivery of the project."

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037 Chloe.Emanuel@4coffshore.net