Investigation launched into Horns Rev 1 fire

By: Tom Russell

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28/05/2021 Vattenfall
On 22 May 2021, a wind turbine on Horns Rev 1 offshore wind farm caught fire. Analysis of the incident is underway and appropriate measures have been taken to secure the area.

According to a statement from Vattenfall, there were no employees in the park at that time and no people were injured. Given the incident's limitation to one wind turbine, the overall supply of electricity from the park was not affected.

An investigation has been launched into the cause of the incident and the best course of action going forward. So far, a 500 metre safety zone has been established around the turbine, in which ships are not allowed to travel. Relevant authorities have been notified.

Horns Rev 1 is located 20km off the coast in the North Sea and consists of 80 Vestas V89-2.0MW turbines. It is owned in a joint venture between Vattenfall and Ørsted. It is situated in the North Sea 20 kilometers from the west coast of Jutland. The project was commissioned in 2002 and has a capacity of 160 MW.

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell