IWS Skywalker class fleet continues to grow

By: Sue Allen

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18/05/2023 4C Offshore
Integrated Wind Solutions (IWS) has options for two more Commissioning Service Operations (CSOVs). It currently has six vessels under construction and now options on two more, taking the eventual fleet total to eight.

The first six vessels have been named: IWS Skywalker, Windwalker, Seawalker, Starwalker, Moonwalker and Sunwalker. Skywalker is scheduled to be delivered later in 2023, and the last vessel Sunwalker, to be delivered end of 2025.

The options for two more vessels were announced in the company’s last quarterly report, in anticipation of increased demand for CSOVs along with increasing day rates. All the vessel construction contracts are with China Merchants Heavy Industry shipyard, where IWS reports a favourable price around €48 million per unit. IWS estimates that this is around €5 million less than the cost for similar quality vessel built in Europe.

IWS Skywalker has confirmed contracts supporting the commissioning of GE’s Haliade-X 13 MW turbines on Dogger Bank A, B and C projects. The vessel will start work in Q2, 2024.

Oslo based IWS was established in 2020 to provide not only CSOVs to the offshore wind sector but engineering manpower services too. The Company is divided into three business segments; IWS Fleet AS being owner and operator of CSOV (Walk to Work) vessels, IWS Services being owner of companies supporting the offshore wind supply chain (Procon and Green Ducklings) as well as the financial investment in the Wind Operations and Asset Management company Peak Wind.

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4C Offshore | Sue Allen