Lithuania unveils plans for subsidy free wind farm tender

By: Tom Russell

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The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania announced earlier this week that preparations are underway for a tender for the development of a subsidy free offshore wind farm. It submitted drafts  for public consultation of the Government's proposals regarding the location in the Baltic Sea where a 700 MW offshore wind farm could be developed, as well as the requirements for the bidders. 

It is planned that the offshore wind park farm would be located in the territorial waters of Lithuania in the Baltic Sea at a distance of almost 36 km from the shore. It should be installed by 2028, and the energy generated is expected to provide up to a quarter of Lithuania's total electricity demand. 

The tender is expected to be won by the developer who offers the highest development fee to the state. Subject to adoptions by the Lithuanian government, the State Energy Regulatory Council (VERT) should announce a tender to select the developer of this park on 30 March 2023. 

The proposed Government resolution stipulates requirements for participants' financial capacity, experience in carrying out projects of this type, obligations to contribute to environmental protection and the well-being of the coastal community. The developer will have to carry out all necessary research, environmental impact assessment and other necessary actions for the development of the park. Also, the winner of the tender will be responsible for connecting to the electricity transmission networks on land and for the imbalance caused by the generated electricity. 

"This is undoubtedly one of the most important projects in terms of strengthening energy independence. It will directly reduce the volume of electricity imports and create an opportunity to produce local cheaper green electricity. Due to the efficiency, the production of electricity from offshore wind has a greater potential than on land, so we must use this opportunity", said Deputy Minister of Energy Daiva Garbaliauskaitė. 

Another tender for the development of the offshore wind park is planned to be announced in the autumn of this year. Both offshore wind farms would provide approximately half of Lithuania's current electricity demand. 

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4C Offshore | Tom Russell