Lupiae Maris files Environmental Impact Assessment application

By: Tom Russell

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16/01/2023 Lupiae Maris

On 30 December 2022, Lupiae Maris, the Joint Venture 525 MW floating offshore wind project in Apulia (Italy), filed its Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) application to the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security and to the Ministry of Culture. The application is a step towards obtaining planning permission (Autorizzazione Unica) to build and operate the plant.

Lupiae Maris foresees the installation of 35 floating wind turbines in the Southern Adriatic Sea largely off the coasts of Brindisi and Lecce. After over two years of environmental studies and project development, Lupiae Maris is one of Italy’s most mature offshore wind projects and among the first ones to file its EIA application to the Ministry.

The is being jointly progressed by Hope Group, the Apulia-based developer, and Galileo, the pan-European renewable energy development platform. The partners aim to confirm the launch of a campaign in spring 2023 to precisely assess the wind resource at sea.

Francesco Dolzani, Chairman of Lupiae Maris and Business Development Director of Galileo in Italy, said: “We filed the documentation to initiate the EIA application of Lupiae Maris and we thank the several Italian and international players and bodies which, over the last two years, have contributed to the design of the Project by using some of the most advanced technologies in the sector. It is a very important step, that complies with all regulatory provisions, for the actual implementation of the floating offshore wind technology in Italy."

"We are open to dialogue and look forward to collaborating with the authorities and with the offshore wind supply chain, as well as engaging the local communities in order to complete all administrative procedures on schedule: we foresee to realize a wind farm that will be able to generate, at a convenient price, around 1.5 billion renewable kWh per year, i.e. the annual requirement of over 500,000 families." continued Dolzani.

For more information on floating offshore wind farms worldwide, click here.

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4C Offshore | Tom Russell