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Mareel renames two more vessels

4C Offshore | Sue Allen
By: Sue Allen 10/06/2020 4C Offshore
Mareel has renamed two more of its vessels. Port Eilian is now Mareel Ocean Green and Bull Bay is Mareel Verdigris. All the vessels in the fleet are named after colours. The image is of Mareel Ocean Blue, the same design as Ocean Green.
Mareel Ocean Green is a BMT Nigel Gee NG859 design and was built at the Buckie Shipyard in the UK. The 18m vessel has worked throughout the UK and was previously active on the Great Gabbard OWF.

Austal shipyard built
Mareel Verdigris in the Philippines in 2014. The 27m is an Austal Wind Express 27 design. The vessel has worked through out Europe.


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