MJR announces harbour trials success

By: Chloe Emanuel

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MJR Power & Automation (MJR) announces the successful harbour trials of its platform mounted automated offshore power and charging system, set to change the marine sector by enabling the transition to heavy hybrid and fully electric vessels for zero emission operations.

The harbour trials have been successfully carried out at the Port of Blyth using the
TIA Elizabeth Crew Transfer Vessel (CTV) owned and operated by Tidal Transit. The set-up at the port replicated the installation of the offshore power and charging system on an offshore wind turbine and/or substation validating the safe connection, mooring, and charging of battery bank installed on the CTV. With safety embedded throughout the system, all interconnection, mooring, automation, monitoring, and safety systems were tested during the trails.

Designed to convert energy delivered directly from the offshore wind farm , the offshore power and charging system will enable all heavy hybrid and electric crew transfer vessels and other offshore support vessels to connect in the field to a 100% green energy source generated directly by offshore wind turbines for the transfer of power. It also aims to enable offshore power to be supplied to other support vessels allowing them to turn off their diesel generators whilst standing by, in the same way that they can connect to shore power.

With successful harbour trials now complete, MJR will now demobilise the equipment and prepare for installation on an operational offshore wind farm substation in the North Sea.

Paul Cairns, Managing Director at MJR said: “Our offshore power and charging system is a ground-breaking innovation set to revolutionise the marine sector and which has huge potential to enable the industry to seamlessly transition to electrically operated CTV fleets. By providing a solution to power vessels and charge batteries in the field – primarily during periods when they would otherwise be idle - MJR’s offshore power and charging system will prove to be a key enabler for the large-scale deployment of eCTVs and larger electric hybrid vessels across the offshore sector."

In addition to charging CTVs, with a maximum charging time of two hours, MJR are also developing a similar system for delivering higher powers for providing offshore power and charging for larger vessels, including Service Operations Vessels (SOVs).

For everything you need to know about the strategies used to support the construction and O&M of offshore wind farms, current and future, including supply and demand for service and accommodation vessels, and helicopters -  click here.

About the Author

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037 chloe.emanuel@4coffshore.net