Ofgem’s advances AQUIND Interconnector to ‘needs case assessment’ stage

By: Tom Russell

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Ofgem has advanced the
AQUIND Interconnector to the next stage of its Third Cap and Floor process. It follows the submission of an application from the project developers for the Initial Project Assessment (IPA) within the Third Cap & Floor Window In December 2022.

Ofgem has announced that AQUIND Interconnector has passed eligibility stage and is now going forward to the ‘needs case assessment’ stage. Ofgem will now progress to the IPA stage for projects likely to be of interest to GB consumers. Ofgem plans to consult on the IPA decision in the latter half of 2023.
A spokesman for Aquind Ltd said: ‘We welcome Ofgem’s decision to advance Aquind Interconnector for the next stage to achieve Cap and Floor status. Aquind Interconnector will contribute to energy security, resilience and supply shocks, by connecting power generation capacity in Britain and France. The interconnector will deliver up to 5% of Great Britain’s annual electricity consumption – enough to power five million British homes with more affordable and sustainable electricity. This project is one of the key elements of infrastructure to help reach Net Zero sooner and at a lower cost."

The proposed subsea and underground high voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission project aimed to link the South Coast of England and Normandy in France. With a capacity of 2 GW, AQUIND was expected to allow the transmission of 17 TWh per year.

Last month it was announced that The High Court ruled in favour of project developer AQUIND Ltd regarding its appeal against the decision of former UK Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and Industrial Strategy, Kwasi Kwarteng, to refuse the approval of Development Consent Order (DCO) for the interconnector project in January 2022.

AQUIND stated it has attracted funds to finance pre-construction stage of the project, which is near completion. As soon as the Secretary of State grants the Development Consent the project is ready to complete the tender process and proceed to the initial phase of the construction.

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4C Offshore | Tom Russell