Onshore works progress for Neart na Gaoithe

By: Tom Russell

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08/06/2021 Neart na Gaoithe

Onshore works to support the
Neart na Gaoithe (NnG) offshore wind farm took a step forward this weekend with the delivery of a massive “shunt reactor” to the site of the wind farm’s connection to the National Grid in the Lammermuir Hills. A second shunt reactor is due for delivery next weekend.

The 160-tonne shunt reactor (10 metres long, 3 metres wide, 5 metres high) provides voltage control and compensates for the length of the onshore and offshore cables that will deliver up to 450 MW of green electricity from the NnG wind farm in the outer Forth Estuary to its onshore substation at the existing Crystal Rig onshore wind farm. The substation is planned for completion next year and is a vital component in the wind farm, which is being developed by EDF Renewables (UK) and ESB.

The shunt reactor was transported, under police escort, to the NnG onshore substation near Innerwick, East Lothian, from the Port of Leith on a special 67m long trailer overnight Friday into Saturday. It was then transferred onto a 45 metre-long trailer capable of negotiating the narrower road up to Crystal Rig.

Project Director Matt Haag said: “The shunt reactor is vital to enable NnG’s safe connection to the National Grid. We’re grateful to all our neighbours in Innerwick and the surrounding area for their patience as we ensured its safe passage to the substation.”

The 450 MW
Neart na Gaoithe wind farm is owned by EDF Renewables and ESB. Once fully operational, it is expected to generate electricity for around 375,000 homes, or all domestic properties in a city the size of Edinburgh, and to displace 400,000 tons of CO2 annually. LCCC awarded it a CfD in February 2015, with a strike price of £114.39/MWh. The first commercial supply of electricity is expected by 2023.

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell