Powerful partners EDF & Maple Power to build offshore wind farm

By: Chloe Emanuel

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27/03/2023 EDF Renewables

Following the fourth offshore wind call for tenders launched in January 2021, the Ministry for Energy Transition has made a decision. Eoliennes en Mer Manche Normandie, the project company owned by the EDF Renewables consortium (a subsidiary of EDF group) and Maple Power are to ensure the design, construction, operation and decommissioning of the future offshore wind farm Centre Manche 1.

This new offshore wind project will provide France with competitive and renewable electricity. The future Manche Normandie offshore wind farm will be located off the coast of the Normandy Region, more than 32 km from the coasts of the Manche and Calvados departments. With an installed capacity of around 1 GW, it should supply the annual equivalent of around half of the electricity needs of the population of the Normandy region.

This is the fifth project in France and the third in Normandy developed by EDF Renewables together with Maple Power and its shareholders – Enbridge Inc. and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board – within the framework of the offshore wind tenders launched by state since 2011.

EDF Renewables, together with Maple Power and its shareholders, developed and built the first offshore wind farm in France off Saint Nazaire with a capacity of 480 MW, which they have been operating since at the end of 2022. In parallel, they are building the offshore wind farms of Fécamp (500 MW), Calvados (450 MW), and the Provence Grand Large floating wind farm pilot project (25 MW). Finally, EDF Renewables and Enbridge are continuing to develop the Dunkirk wind farm (600 MW).

The Center Manche 1 project is part of the objectives of the government, which aim to commission around fifty offshore wind farms by 2050 for 40 GW of power. EDF Renewables and Maple Power plan to continue the work of close dialogue and consultation throughout the development of the project, as well as during the construction and operation phases of the wind farm. Commissioning is expected by 2030.

Luc Rémont, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the EDF group commented: “We welcome the decision of the Ministry of Energy Transition which confirms the quality of the work carried out by EDF Renouvelables and Maple Power. We are happy to continue our collaboration of trust with the Normandy territory in favor of the energy transition. The Manche Normandie offshore wind farm is fully in line with the EDF group's strategy. It will contribute to achieving the objectives of Europe and France which aim for carbon neutrality by 2050.”

Michael van der Heijden, Managing Director of Maple Power commented: "We are very pleased to have been selected to carry out the project off the coast of Normandy with our partner EDF Renouvelables, thus strengthening our historic collaboration and demonstrating the expertise of our project team. The awarding of this major project is a new step that confirms Maple Power's ambition to carry out large-scale offshore wind projects in Europe, thus contributing to the energy transition. We look forward to starting the development of the project."

For more information on offshore wind farms worldwide, click here.

About the Author

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037 Chloe.Emanuel@4coffshore.net