Rhode Island Energy evaluate one and only proposal

By: Chloe Emanuel

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20/03/2023 Rhode Island Energy

Rhode Island Energy announced today that it will evaluate a joint proposal from Orsted and Eversource to develop 884 MW of offshore wind. The proposal was the one and only response to Rhode Island Energy’s recent request for proposals to add 600 to 1,000 MW of new offshore wind.

Dave Bonenberger, president of Rhode Island Energy commented: “We’re committed to helping Rhode Island meet its leading clean energy goals and will carefully review Orsted and Eversource’s joint proposal. Our objective is to advance the clean energy transition while keeping energy affordable and reliable for our customers. This is the lens through which we will evaluate the proposal."

Rhode Island Energy issued its request for proposals in October. Adding to the nation’s first offshore wind farm that sits in waters off Block Island and the current Revolution Wind project already under development, this additional procurement could help meet over 70% of the state’s estimated 2030 electricity demand with carbon-free energy.

As part of the solicitation, required under the state’s Affordable Clean Energy Security Act, any potential long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs) with developers would require contract durations between 15 and 20 years.

Bonenberger added: “Although we had hoped to see more developers put forward additional proposals within this appeal, we also know there are a multitude of factors at play right now. As we move forward, our evaluation will consider future energy affordability and how this proposal meets the requirements of both the RFP and state law."

Rhode Island Energy will post a public version of Orsted and Eversource’s application sometime next week, after sharing it with the Office of Energy Resources and Division of Public Utilities and Carriers. An evaluation of the proposals included in the bid is expected to take roughly three months, at which time the Company will determine whether to move forward with contract negotiations. Any PPAs agreed to by Rhode Island Energy will be subject to review and approval by the Public Utilities Commission.

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037 chloe.emanuel@4coffshore.net