RPS to support bp and EnBW with new UK lease development

By: Tom Russell

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26/05/2021 RPS Group
RPS has been selected to support the consortium of bp and EnBW as Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) lead for the development of their new lease areas in the Irish Sea.

Back in February, bp and EnBW's consortium was selected as the preferred bidder for two major leases in the UK Offshore Wind Round 4. The lease areas, with preferred bidder status recently awarded as part of the Crown Estate’s Offshore Wind Leasing Round 4, have a combined potential capacity of 3 GW, enough to power the equivalent of more than 3.4 million UK homes with electricity. The projects are expected to be operational in seven years.  

According to the project partners, the two leases feature strong wind resources and their proximity to shore makes them attractive investment opportunities. Their nearshore location, around 30 kilometres off the coast of North West England and North Wales, will allow for lower-cost, more reliable transmission infrastructure. Their shallow water depths of 35-40 metres are also expected to support efficient and cost-effective development.  

Lease One covers an area of approximately 300 km2 and Lease Two is around 500 km2. As they are adjacent, projects are expected to benefit from significant synergies in procurement, development and operational costs.

The RPS team will lead a range of assessments, working closely with the bp and EnBW project team and a wide range of stakeholders, culminating in an application for Development Consent for each project. RPS will manage both the EIA and HRA for the project and provide subject matter expertise, drawing on DCO experience, to understand and mitigate any potential risks involved in project development.

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell