RWE deploys new software tool across offshore wind farms

By: Tom Russell

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26/07/2021 RWE
RWE has signed an agreement with the Danish firm Systematic to deploy an information management tool across its global fleet of offshore wind farms.

Under the contract, software company Systematic will supply it’s cloud-based marine management tool, called SITE, to manage vessel and personnel information as well as existing operational data from all of RWE’s offshore projects. The tool is designed to help RWE optimise its offshore operations by ensuring working processes, induction and safety measures are consistent for both its Operations & Maintenance teams and its contractors around the world.

The new system will be installed at RWE’s offshore wind projects in the UK first, followed by Germany, Denmark and Sweden and with a view to expanding its use more widely in the future. RWE’s offshore wind farms Humber Gateway and Rampion have already transitioned to using SITE.

Claus Byskov, Systematic’s Senior Manager for Digital Transformation, said: “RWE’s ambition to manage a large set of operational data with the software solution provided by Systematic fits well with our goal to move beyond traditional marine coordination. We aim to support our customers with innovative solutions for managing offshore wind operations and to deliver the data needed to increase operational efficiency across a global portfolio of offshore wind farms.”

Sven Utermöhlen, Chief Operating Officer Wind Offshore Global, RWE Renewables: “By implementing this new software tool to manage our global offshore wind fleet, we are taking an important step towards harmonising our control systems and optimising the operational efficiency of our projects. As one of the world’s most experienced offshore wind businesses, we understand that it is critical to try to anticipate the future needs of the offshore industry, and to ensure our people and our systems are well set up to deal with that.”

RWE’s offshore portfolio continues to expand in the UK. It’s Triton Knoll offshore wind farm is in a highly advanced stage of construction, while t

RWE's offshore wind portfolio is expanding. In the UK, its 857 MW
Triton Knoll is moving forward with construction. The 1.4 GW Sofia offshore project at Dogger Bank has now started onshore enabling works and construction. In addition, four extension projects are already beginning public consultation, while RWE recently bid successfully for two new offshore sites with a potential total installed capacity of 3 GW in The Crown Estate’s Offshore Wind Round 4 Leasing auction.

For more information on offshore wind farms worldwide, click here.

About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell