Secretary of State delays consent decision for Norfolk Boreas

By: Tom Russell

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The Secretary of State has decided to re-set the statutory deadline for the for Vattenfall’s
Norfolk Boreas offshore wind farm, proposed to be installed off the Norfolk coast. Vattenfall submitted a development consent for the project in June 2019.

A statement confirming a new deadline for a decision has been made to the House of Commons and House of Lords. When a new deadline is set, the Secretary of State must make a statement to Parliament to announce it. The deadline for the decision on the Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm application was 12 April 2021.

The Secretary of State has decided to set a new deadline of no later than 10 December 2021 for deciding this application to allow an opportunity for further information in respect of cumulative impacts of the onshore substation and of offshore environmental effects to be provided and considered.

If consented, the 1.8 GW
Norfolk Boreas project could meet the equivalent electricity needs of 5% of UK households - around 1.3 million homes. It is to consist of up to 200 turbines, each with a capacity of around 10 MW.

The proposed development area for
Norfolk Boreas is adjacent to sister project Norfolk Vanguard, which also suffered a setback in February. The UK High Court has quashed planning consent for 1.8 GW Norfolk Vanguard project, which secured consent in July last year.

The High Court ruled in the favour of a local resident, who claimed that the Secretary of State unlawfully excluded the cumulative effects of
Norfolk Vanguard and Norfolk Boreas project in its decision to approve Norfolk Vanguard. The Secretary of State must now redetermine Vattenfall's application for planning consent for Norfolk Vanguard.  

Both projects are aiming to secures Development Consent ahead of the UK government's Contract for Difference auction later this year.

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell