Step right up! Ampelmann secures six new contracts

By: Chloe Emanuel

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28/03/2023 Ampelmann

Ampelmann, the Dutch offshore access provider, has signed six new contracts in the offshore wind market in the United States for 2023, 2024 and 2025.

The contracts set for 2023 have been secured for work on two new offshore wind farms being built off the coast in New England. In the coming year, Ampelmann’s motion compensated gangways aim to assist with the hook-up, cabling and commissioning of turbines on Vineyard and Southfork wind farms, two of the first commercial offshore wind farms in the USA that will provide clean energy to the region.
Ampelmann is acquainted within the Oil & Gas market in the US having been established in region since 2014, and is now moving forward as the motion compensated gangway potential leader for the expanding offshore wind market.

Gus DeOliveira, Business Development Area Manager Americas at Ampelmann commented: “We see such a massive potential in this new industry that is starting in the USA. 2023 will be the first time that two US wind farms will be simultaneously under construction. Though still at an infancy stage, between 2023-2030, the USA will be heavily investing in offshore wind. With its massive coastlines in the East, South and West, the country is positioned to become one of the global leaders in offshore wind within the next 10 years."

DeOliveira continued: “To see such a new industry start up in the USA, and how we can be a part of it in the early stages is extremely rewarding. We have positioned ourselves as a local provider and industry leader and we wish to contribute our systems, services and experience to this important new market."

The first project is on Southfork wind farm, located on the outer continental shelf near Rhode Island, and the second project takes places on Vineyard wind farm located off the coast of Massachusetts.

Both projects will involve the use of the E1000 system and the A300. The E1000, based on Ampelmann E-type technology, can convert from personnel to cargo transport mode within minutes and has a lifting capacity of 1,000kg.

The Ampelmann A300 is able to convert from crane to gangway mode in around 30 seconds and can carry cargo up to 300kg. Alongside its systems, Ampelmann aims to provide 24/7 support with their Operation Control Centre (OCC) and through its digital platform, Ampelmann Insights, the company will provide workability forecasts and project management tools to further improve the workability and efficiency of offshore operations.

The Ampelmann Americas team will be present at The Business Network for Offshore Wind IPF 2023 from 28-30 March in Baltimore, Maryland, to answer any questions for those in attendance.

For more information on offshore wind farms worldwide, click here.

About the Author

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037