Vattenfall wins bid for Danish nearshore "blemish"

By: Tom Russell

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12/09/2016 Vattenfall

Vattenfall has won the Danish near-shore wind tender with a bid of  0.475 DKK/kWh and plans to build two offshore wind farms off the west coast of Jutland.

There were five possible locations and Vattenfall bid for two sites on the west coast of Jutland, Vesterhav Syd and Vesterhav Nord. On these two sites Vattenfall will build two offshore wind farms with a total capacity of 350MW. Vesterhav Syd will be the larger of the two sites with a 180MW capacity and Vesterhav Nord will have a 170MW capacity, both project combined are expected to provide sustainable energy for 375,000 households annually.

The bid was submitted in a political storm with uncertainty surrounding the support for nearshore wind farms in Denmark. Vattenfall explained that the project has been debated heavily politically and in the media, and there are still ongoing political discussions regarding whether to accept or cancel the project.

Energy and Climate Minister Lars Chr. Lilleholt said: "It is no secret that the government wants to abandon the construction of the coastal wind turbines." Lilleholt continued to explain that the costal turbines will not only be a "blemish" along the Danish coastline but support costs has risen to nearly double (90%) since the 2012 energy agreement. The energy minister explained that this is a significant expense the government has not allocated funding for.

A final decision on the matter is expected to be included within the countries 2025 plan.

Country Manager in Denmark Ole Bigum Nielsen has also been heavily involved in the project. “The last three months we put forward strong arguments saying that the Danish near shore will be the cheapest offshore wind farms in the world and now we have proved it. I just hope that the politicians live up to the political energy agreement from 2012 and let us proceed with providing renewable energy for the Danish consumers.”

Once the final political decision has been made, Vattenfall will initiate the final preparations for the establishment of the wind farms. This includes procurement of main components, such as wind turbines, foundations, susbea cables and installation vessels. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2019 and produce first power in 2020.

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4C Offshore | Tom Russell