Vineyard Wind picks Connecticut base for Park City project

By: Tom Russell

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20/05/2021 Vineyard Wind
Vineyard Wind announced that space in downtown Bridgeport will serve as the Connecticut headquarters for the company’s Park City Wind project. Additionally, the developer also announced that a lease at Barnum Landing has been signed to use the property as a construction and staging location for the 804 MW project.  

The Park City Wind office will be located at 350 Fairfield Avenue and will be home to more than a dozen employees focused on project development, community outreach and workforce development.  The office is expected to open this summer with a formal ribbon cutting ceremony. 

Vineyard Wind also announced that Barnum Landing, a 15-acre parcel located at 525 Seaview Avenue, will be used during the construction phase of the Park City Wind project, which will include storage and assembly of the transition pieces, the portion of the turbine that anchors the body of the machines to the steel foundation.  Once construction is completed, Vineyard Wind intends to use 3 acres of the port site for an operations and maintenance hub that will support local jobs for the 20-plus year lifespan of the project. 

Park City Wind project was selected by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) in December of 2019 to provide 804 MW as part of its offshore wind solicitation.  Park City Wind, which is expected to provide roughly 14% of the state’s electricity supply, is expected to include an estimated $890 million in direct economic development in Connecticut and support 2,800 full-time equivalent (FTE) job years.  

The project is being developed by Vineyard Wind LLC based in New Bedford, Massachusetts. The company is 50 percent owned by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) and 50 percent by Avangrid Renewables.

“We are excited to announce the signing of leases for both our Connecticut headquarters and the construction and staging site for our Park City Wind project,” said Vineyard Wind Deputy CEO Sy Oytan. “The offshore wind industry can help transform Bridgeport’s waterfront into a hub for a new and growing industry.  By taking important steps like this today, we can lay a larger foundation for the jobs of tomorrow.”

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell