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Bøchers Banke Floating Wind Farm

06 May 2024: Following the Thor tender, in June 2022 the government made a climate agreement stating intent to ‘reap the full potential of offshore wind’. The government asked the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) to look into possible payment model for marine areas which could be used for open door projects due to the amount of interest and also the possibilities of introducing other requirements on e.g. sustainability, social clauses etc. Throughout Q4 2022 the DEA and government worked on developing a payment model. The possibility of a payment model, and first come first serve basis raised the compatibility issue with EU state aid rules and following discussion with the European Commission in January 2023, the Danish government decided to suspend case processing for the 33 open door projects, 27 of which were applying for a feasibility study permit.. Under the Renewable Energy Act, the DEA may grant feasibility study permits based on a discretionary assessment of the applicants technical and financial capability to construct a windfarm, and the area's relevance for the utilisation on energy. Over the period 16 October - 9 November 2023 the DEA rejected 20 of the 27 feasibility study permit applications on the grounds that the sites were not relevant for energy production. This claim arose from the the ruling stating "state and municipal authorities may not, as a matter of principle, adopt plans for or issue permits etc. in accordance with other legislation. for facilities or land uses that are in conflict with the marine plan or are in conflict with a proposal for a marine plan or changes to the marine plan that have been published by the Minister for Business. The Danish Energy Agency will therefore not be able to legally issue permits under the Renewable Energy Act, including section 25 permits, which are in conflict with the applicable marine plan or a proposal to amend the marine plan that has been submitted for consultation." The Energy Board of Appeal has decided to overturn all 20 of the rejections by the Danish Energy Agency. The new proposal for changes to the Marine Plan were not published until 27 November 2023, which is after the application were denied. Furthermore, the Energy Board of Appeal does not agree with the DEA's interpretation of the ruling. The Energy Board of Appeal believes that an application for a permit may warrant a proposal for a change to the Marine Plan, on which permits can be granted. All applications have been sent back to the DEA. This does not guarantee approval, as the projects can still be rejected should the DEA find a legally valid reason. The applications sent back to the DEA are: Vigsø Grenaa Lolland Syd Stevns Nord Bornholm Frederikshavn Nord Hirtshals Havn Guldborgsund Bornholm Bassin Øst Bornholm Bassin Syd Bøchers Bank Jyske Banke Nord Lysegrund Odin Femern Freya M1 M2 M3 M4
Concept/Early Planning
1102.5 MW
4C Offshore | Location Map: Lat(57.241) Lon(11.402)

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Power & Turbines
Windfarm Capacity
1102.5 MW
Turbine Model
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Other Turbine(s) Used
Min. Turbine Capacity (MW)
Max. Turbine Capacity (MW)
Min. Number of Turbines
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Max. Number of Turbines
Total Turbine Height
Hub Height
Rotor Diameter
Foundation Type
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Foundations on Wind Farm
Foundation Comments

Location & Environment
Sea Name
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Depth Range (Chart Datum)
Depth Range (Stated by Developer)
Distance from Shore (Developer)
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Distance from Shore (Computed)

Installation Base
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Ops and Maintenance
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Number of Offshore Platform(s)
Shared Platform Type
Grid Connection Point
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Cable Landing Point

Export Cables (AC & DC)
Number of Export Cables (AC)
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Average Length per Cable (AC)
Additional Requirements (AC)
Nominal Voltage (AC)
Number of Export Cables (DC)
Average Length per Cable (DC)
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Additional Requirements (DC)
Nominal Voltage (DC)

Nominal Voltage

Onshore Cables
Number of Onshore Cables
Average Length per Cable
Expected Life