Ørsted suspends Taiwan developments

By: Tom Russell

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21/01/2019 4C Offshore
Ørsted has reportedly decided to suspend its offshore wind development projects in Taiwan after failing to receive permits for its projects off the coast of Changhua County before feed-in tariff (FIT) changes come into effect.

The offshore wind giant has notified local supply chain to halt the execution of contracts and is also considering renegotiating terms of other contracts as well. This includes contracts with Century Iron & Steel Industrial Co, China Steel Corp and  Star Energy Corp.

The 2019 FIT has not been decided yet. However, in November 2018 the Taiwanese government proposed a 2019 feed-in-tariff of NT $5106 (approx. EUR 145) per MWh, a decrease of 12.71% from the 2018 rate of NT $5800/MWh, and suggested a production cap of 3,600 annual full-load hours.

Ørsted was one of the unfortunate developers unable to secure a power purchase agreement for the 900MW
Changhua 1 and Changhua 2a projects due to be generating power in 2021.

This news follows an announcement last week that Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. (TEPCO) and Ørsted signed a memorandum of understanding to work jointly on offshore wind projects.

The two companies will work jointly on the
Choshi offshore wind project near Tokyo, for which TEPCO has been carrying out a seabed survey to examine its feasibility and towards a strategic partnership for broader collaboration.

For more information on the projects concerned or on the Taiwanese offshore wind market overall,  
click here. You can also view projects worldwide on 4C Offshore's Interactive map.

About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell