Massachusetts launches 1600 MW offshore wind solicitation

By: Tom Russell

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Massachusetts utility companies have launched a Request for Proposals (RfP) for up to 1,600 MW of offshore wind power.

The Distribution Companies are seeking to procure at least 400 MW and up to 1,600 MW of offshore wind energy generation. This solicitation allows bidders to offer proposals from 200 MW up to 1,600 MW. There is no preferred bid size.

The nominal levelized price of any proposal must be less than $77.76 per MWh. Pricing must be designed to recover all costs associated with the proposal, including but not limited to the cost of Ooffshore wind energy generation, cost of offshore delivery facilities, cost of network upgrades, and, if applicable, energy storage systems.

The procurement process has three stages of evaluation. In Stage One, proposals will be reviewed to ensure that they meet eligibility and threshold requirements. In Stage Two, proposals will be evaluated based on specified quantitative and qualitative criteria. In Stage Three, the evaluation team will conduct further evaluation of remaining proposals based on the Stage Two quantitative and qualitative evaluation criteria and, at their discretion, additional factors, to ensure selection of viable projects that provide cost-effective, reliable wind energy with limited risk.

The deadline for bid submissions is 23 September 2021, with the winners to be announced on 17 December. Long-term contracts are to be executed by 28 March 2022.

This is the third offshore wind solicitation to be launched in Massachusetts. In the first round,
Vineyard Wind 1 won with an 800 MW bid. In 2019,Mayflower Wind won with 804 MW.

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell