Saint-Brieuc substation moved out

By: Tom Russell

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19/05/2021 Engie Solutions

The 2,120 tonne offshore substation (OSS)
topside for Ailes Marines' Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm was recently moved out at Engie Solutions yard in Hoboken (Antwerp – Belgium). The platform's sail away is planned for next Spring.

A joint venture of ENGIE Solutions and Iemants (a subsidiary of Smulders) secured a contract for the construction of the substation back in September 2020. ENGIE Solutions is responsible for the engineering, procurement, integration, construction and testing (on- and offshore) of all LV, MV, HV and auxiliary systems for the jacket and topside. Iemants is responsible for the engineering and construction of the steel structures for both the topside and jacket.

The 496 MW
Saint-Brieuc wind farm, 16 km off the French coast, will feature 62 Siemens Gamesa SG 8.0-167 DD turbines, standing at 207 metres high. It is being developed by Ailes Marines, subsidiary of Spanish energy giant Iberdrola. Covering an area of 75km2 the project will be the first large-scale offshore wind farm in Brittany and, when operational in 2023, it will be capable of generating 1,820 GWh/year of electricity, expected to meet the demands of  835,000 people.

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell