SOV Groenewind en route to Europe

By: Sue Allen

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08/06/2021 Sue Allen
DEME's first Service Operations Vessel (SOV) has left the Cemre Shipyard in Turkey and is on its way to Europe. Groenewind is due to start a 15 year charter to support the operations and maintenance of the turbines on three Belgium sites - Rentel, SeaStar and SeaMade.

DEME announced the construction of its first SOV in December 2019. The 60 metre vessel will feature a Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull (SWATH) design, which will enable safe crew transfers in significant wave heights of up to 2.5 metres, and it will be the first DP2, twin-hulled SOV in the world.

Groenewind will be equipped with a motion compensated gangway and daughter craft for transfers to the wind turbines. DEME also also highlighted that it is designed according to the latest comfort standards, providing an offshore base for up to 24 technicians and a nautical crew.

For everything you need to know about the strategies used to support the construction and O&M of offshore wind farms, current and future, including supply and demand for service and accommodation vessels, and helicopters, click here.

About the Author

4C Offshore | Sue Allen