Xlinks name key investment oppertunity by UK Gov

By: Chloe Emanuel

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30/03/2023 Xlinks

Xlinks has been named by the UK Government as one of the investment options in the Powering Up Britain policy paper. The UK Government is exploring the potential for international projects to provide renewable, affordable, and secure power.

The Xlinks project proposes a large-scale onshore wind, solar, and battery electricity generation site in Morocco that would exclusively supply power to the GB grid via high voltage direct current subsea cables. The UK Government is considering the viability and merits of this project to understand how it could contribute to the UK's energy security.

The paper outlines the government's blueprint for the future of energy in the UK, aiming to diversify energy production by investing in renewables to deliver energy, consumer, climate, and economic security for the country.

The Xlinks CEO welcomed the government's determination to work with Xlinks to implement their renewable energy venture. The project will meet up to 8% of the UK's electricity demand with renewable energy, aiming to reducing consumer bills and adding to the security of supply. The paper also emphasizes how Britain benefits from importing energy, securing energy supplies built on diversified sources of supply and relationships with strong, trusted partners and allies such as Morocco.

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4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037 Chloe.Emanuel@4coffshore.net